Ini blog HARNEY

i've been tagged by fatin abd rahman a.k.a mistakengirl & here it goes....

First Name: Marhani bt Alias
Nickname: harney
Birthday: 16 March 1984
Birthplace: Melaka, Malaysia
Time of Birth: erm....xingt la kol xsilap kol 4 pagi kot...huhu~~
Zodiac: Pisces

-This or That-

Flower or chocolate: Chocolate...yummy yummy♥
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Relationship or One Night Stand: of course la relationship...
School or Work: work...skrg memang la rase nak keje..coz dah lame sgt blaja kang kalo dah keje sure rase malas lak nak keje kan...
Love or Money: both..!!ley x nak pilih dua2....heeee=')
Movies or Music: ermmmm....
Country or City: city=')
Sunny days or Rainy days: sunny least kalo panas ley gak g mane2..kalo ujan toley g mane2 wooo...
Friends or Family: tgk rase nyer family 1st la...

-Have you ever-

Smoked: of course la no...xbaek tu kesihatan taw...nti ley kene copd (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). cigarette smoking is a primary cause of copd..ekeke=')
Broke someone's heart: pernah...
Had your heart broken: pernah....sedey gilerrrr(~_~)
Wish you were a prince/princess: i wish i can b a princess 1 day..hihiks
Liked someone who was taken: i don't think so...ermmm
Shaved your head : gilerr aper...kang tibe2 lak glamer cam sharifah amani & ekin (af)...ekeke..
Been in love: huhu....
Used chopsticks: tringin nak xsusah la yer..xpuas makan kalo gune chopsticks..garfu sudaa...


Candy: xkesah..asalkan jgn gule2 kelapa...xsuke...
Song: ermmmm...
Scent: Vanilla
Musical instrument: xpandai men pown..jeles tgk budak pompuan yg pandai men...
Movie: sume tgk..asalkan ceta tuh x boring...
Actor/actress: xminat sape2 pown...
Junk food: sume pown bedal...asalkan bende yg sedap tula xelok kan..kan..
Animal: koala...kiut gilerrr
Ever cried over someone: pernah...
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: nak cube ubah perangai jadik org yg rajin gilerrrr...
Do you think you're atrractive: ntah la...
You had to chose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Cinderella...
You play any sports: dulu bola jaring...skrg dah xpenah men dah...

List (8) random facts about yourself
1. suke beli kasut, beg...
2. skrg berangan nak ade keta sendiri...oh myvi SE ku...yg baru itew...huhu~
3. agak suke ber'shopping'...agak la...
4. fan of NUBHAN....weee♥♥
5. suke tgkp gamba...gamba org len la yer..bukan gamba sendiri...sejak ade kamera sendiri nih...
6. ngah rindu same anak buah ku...huhu
7. skrg tgh cuak...struggle gilerr...struggle ker..??? i'm in EXAM mode...
8. dah rase xsabar nak cuti...!!!!

You tag
1. kTcats
2. ajoy
3. yani
4. abg jimmie
5. nora joey


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