Ini blog HARNEY

adeh kene tag dr ilah plak...panjang gilak tag nih...bnyk sgt soklan nyer...huhu...

♥ Each blogger must post this rules.
♥ Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
♥ Other blogger who are tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
♥ You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
♥ It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards, letting them know about the award.

- a girl...
- onlining...
- i like shopping...

- pharmacy student...
- malaysian...
- luv to eat big apple donut..
- one of da NUBHAN's fan...

- have 3 siblings...
- ermmm...
- ermmmm....xtaw nak tulis apew lagi...;p

- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...
- sape2 yg bace tag nih...bleh x...???hihiks...

One : How has this past week going for you?
- really really great!! best gilerrrr....!!!!! walaupown penat tp hepi beb...:) nak ulang balek boley...??

Two : Who was the last person to text you?
- friend...ask 'selamat ari jadi' in japanase language...

Three : Last person of opposite sex to give you a hug?
- ermmmm.....

Four : Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
- yups...

Five : First person under 'J' on your cell phone?
- friends...

Six : Do you hate that person?
- no la....she's my friends kan....we're in the same class...mase diploma dulu...

Seven : Any fun plans for today?
- nope....

Eight : Is the last person you held hands with attractive?
- ermmmm....nope la...

Nine : Do you get bored of your girl/boyfriend easily?
- no...not easily get bored...

Ten : How many and what kind of animals are in your house?
- dlm umah xdew..kat lua umah adew la..kt blkg tuh...bnyk kucing dok lepak lepaking blkg umah..ekeke..:)

Eleven : Are you disappointed right now?
- no la...

Twelve : When was the last time something bothered you?
- bile ek...??ade ker...???

Thirteen : What's the most interesting thing that happened to you today?
- arini xdew ape2 interesting yg semlm adew...hihiks...:)

Fourteen : Have you ever broken someone's heart?
- pernah...hahaha...

Fifteen : Would you ever date a friends ex's?
- date xdew pernah kua bersama...but not just two of us...together wit' other frens...

Sixteen : If your best friend like your ex...what would you do?
- i'll do nothing...bia kan la...lagipown dea bukan hak kite lagi kan...hihiks...

Seventeen : Are you the type that would rather stay at other people houses or have them at yours?
- have them at my house...

Eigthteen : Have you ever hooked up with one of your ex's bestfriends?
- never....

Nineteen : Do tattoos and piercings excite you?
- xyah la nak tattoos2, piercings2 nih...xelok pown...

Twenty : If someone hits you, what would you say?
- !@#$%8&##!!!

Twenty-one : Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?
- NEVER....!!!

Twenty-two : Do you know anyone whose name starts with a 'Z'?
- 'Z'...???hurmmmm....zahid, zack, zarina....hahah..zzzzZZZZZzz..

Twenty-three : If your ex came up and apologized for something they did wrong, what would you say?
- hahaha...ermmm...."it's oke.."...let by gone be by gone..wah...

Twenty-four : When was your last encounter with the police?
- never....!!!

Twenty-five : Do you still talk to your ex's?
- dah jarang sgt...lantak dea la...

Twenty-six : Who would you like to be friends with again?
- ahmad nubhan ahamad. kawan gitu2 pun jadila. tak minta lebey2 pon... haha ilah jawapan kito samo la..den copy jawapan ekau jola...wakaka...ekceli den malas nak taip len...;p

Twenty-seven : Do you ever dance even without music playing?
- nope. xbest lor kalo xdok music...

Twenty-eight : When people talk crap about you, what do they say?
- entah...bia la diorg nak kate apew pown....

Twenty-nine : What can always put you in a good mood?
- anything that would make me hepi...

Thirty : Have you kissed in the rain?
- never....

Thirty-one : Is there anyone that you care more about than yourself?
- adew adew...heeee...:) ini....kamo, kamo dan kamo....hahaha...

Thirty-two : What do you miss about your past?
- all sweet memories....nak rewind balek bley x...???

Thirty-three : Is there something you wish you would tell someone but you can't?
- yups adew...hahah....but i can't...ontah la...

Thirty-four : Are there any previous relationships you wish could have lasted longer:

Thirty-five : Did your last kiss mean anything?
- ast kiss...??? xpernah kiss sape2...kiss pipi budak kecik adew didn't mean anything...ekeke..

ada anugerah niyh nak bagi. saya teringin nak serahkan kepada :

kat blogger2 yg slalu terjah blog harney nih...thanks..!!!


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